The Top Benefits to Choosing Invisalign
The appearance and structure of one’s teeth is important to people of all ages, from both a confidence and health standpoint.
During the teenage years, with many physical developments going on, it is important to address any tooth related issues.
Meanwhile, adults at different stages may also want to address tooth issues, that have come up or not yet been addressed.
For anyone lacking confidence or experiencing concerns with their teeth the options available, particularly teen and adult braces, seem intrusive and unappealing.
However, here at Delight Dental, we are excited to tell you about another way.
You can say goodbye to the prospect of wire braces, and say hello to Invisalign. These invisible braces are a popular alternative for many of our patients around the North Brisbane region, as they enhance people’s smile and confidence.
The benefits of this exciting technology don’t just stop with the aesthetic. You can enjoy a variety of dental benefits, as detailed below. So whether you’ve researched Invisalign or are brand new to the concept, we can help guide you through all the aspects.
Seamless, natural appearance
Improving your smile and straightening your teeth has never been easier than with the Invisalign system. It is ideal for anyone who wants to avoid the aesthetic and functional issues that come with braces, particularly teens. Nearly invisible when applied to the teeth, these miraculous aligners are clear, comfortable and removable.
One of our friendly dentists can walk you through the available options and apply your aligners in a couple of short visits to the practice.
Improved gum health
Invisalign helps in maintaining healthy gums, while straightening your teeth compared to traditional braces. You can continue to brush and floss as usual, as the aligners are removable when needed.
Corrected bite
If you are looking to correct an overbite or misaligned teeth, you can experience significant results with Invisalign. These include:
- Moving the lower teeth back into their natural position
- Moving the upper teeth to better reveal the lower teeth
- Pushing the hidden lower teeth forward to correct the appearance of an overbite
As a qualified cosmetic dentist, we can advise you before proceeding with Invisalign to discuss the potential cosmetic adjustments.
Better self-esteem and oral health
Get the smile you’ve always wanted and be proud to show it off by arranging an Invisalign treatment.
You won’t have to feel self-conscious about how your teeth look again.
Enjoy eating again
Traditional braces can cause tooth pain that result in needing to eat soft foods. Aligners can be removed while eating, this allows you to enjoy the same lifestyle and diet you always have, while also improving your smile.
We invite you to contact our practice in Ashgrove to arrange a free Invisalign consultation.