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Do You Need Dental Fillings?

If your teeth aren’t looking or feeling as good as they once did, they might be damaged or decaying. Cavities and other damage don’t just affect your smile, they can have lasting effects on your oral health.

About the Filling Procedure

Before you begin the procedure for a tooth filling, Delight Dental waDental Fillings Ashgrovent to ensure that you feel comfortable and we do this by taking the time to walk you through the procedure step-by-step so you don’t need to worry about scary surprises.

To put your mind at ease you will also receive anaesthetic to ensure a relaxed experience with minimal pain. Your dentist will also help you to understand why tooth decay has occurred to help prevent the need for future fillings. When you are ready and the anaesthetic is in effect we will proceed with your filling.

The procedure will involve the following steps:

  • First your dentist will carefully remove your decay, cleaning out the damaged tooth
  • Next, to ensure the filling isn’t noticeable we select the colour of your filling to match the colour of your tooth
  • The dentist will then discuss after care with you to ensure that your new tooth continues to look, feel and function well

Our Options for You

At Delight Dental we are dedicated to using only the finest procedures and materials that will benefit your oral health. We are an amalgam-free practice, meaning we don’t use amalgam fillings during our procedures. Not only is amalgam environmentally unfriendly, it has also been linked to a number of negative health side effects.

Instead, we use a quality, tooth-coloured composite resin material to restore your tooth. Selecting an option that matches your existing colour, this material has great aesthetic benefits. Composite fillings will make your mouth stronger by bonding with your teeth and require less drilling than amalgam fillings.

We also use a tooth coloured glass ionomer material to restore hypomineralised teeth, or those that are lacking minerals. As well as matching your tooth colour, glass ionomer has a higher fluoride release, helping to remineralise your tooth.

The dedicated Delight Dental team are committed to making sure you feel comfortable by helping to choose the best option for you.

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