Case Study: How Delight Dental Used Invisalign to Give Joel a Straighter, Happier Smile
The Delight Dental Difference At Delight Dental, we create beautiful happy smiles through advanced dental technology. Our vision is to make dental visits a delightful experience, for all our clients.
Premature Birth? What You Need to Know About Their Teeth
A premature birth is a trying and testing time. Many children that are born premature go on to live healthy, normal and fulfilling lives despite this initial period of uncertainty and worry, but there are still things to be considered and monitored as your child grows. There are many aspects of health provision that should…
All You Need to Know About Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Gingivitis and periodontitis are two very common and highly treatable dental conditions. They are also both easily preventable by good and regular dental hygiene practices and regular visits to your family dentist. Let’s take a look at exactly what these two closely related conditions are, their symptoms, implications and how they are best treated. More…
TMJ: All You Need to Know About Treatment
TMJ is an acronym for temporomandibular joint dysfunction. It is a term that covers dysfunction, pain and discomfort of the muscles that move your jaw. The causes of TMJ are not certain, it can be brought on by whiplash and other trauma to the neck and jaw as well as other muscular conditions. However, the…
Dental Fillings or Crowns? – Deciding What Is Right for You
Modern dentistry has evolved to the point where cosmetic dentists can offer the option of either dental fillings or crowns. We have compiled a list of all the relevant information to help you make a decision on whether a crown or a filling is right for you.
The Top Benefits to Choosing Invisalign
The appearance and structure of one’s teeth is important to people of all ages, from both a confidence and health standpoint. During the teenage years, with many physical developments going on, it is important to address any tooth related issues. Meanwhile, adults at different stages may also want to address tooth issues, that have come…
Kids Dental Tips to Help Your Child with Their Oral Hygiene
Getting any child to develop good oral hygiene habits, on a consistent basis, is highly important yet can prove to be difficult.
As a kid, you would rather play or do anything other than what is perceived as a ‘boring’ activity, like brushing and flossing your teeth.
kids and rules are a tricky mix. What you can do, however, is make the process fun for everybody.